pathFinder Book


pathFinder is an interactive, 100 page/8 Chapter, spiral bound book. It is packed full of inspiring content and engaging activities to draw someone into kingdom living through the discovery process, as they engage God personally through His Word and prayer.

(This book goes hand in hand with the 8 session teaching video series by Anna Nash that is available.)

Click Here to Order Companion Teaching Videos

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We all long for purpose. We desire for life to have meaning and to know that we have made impact wherever we live, in whatever we do, and with whomever we touch. We were made to leave our mark on this world. Do we know the reason for which we were created? This is such a broad and puzzling question. Just when we think we’ve figured it out everything changes. We feel lost, confused, unmotivated and discouraged.

These are the exact feelings that I was personally having when God gave me the idea for pathFinder, A Journey Towards PurposeI wanted MORE. I didn’t even know what that “more” was but I believed there was something out there for me to pursue. I wanted to know God and his plan for me like I never had before.

I'd like to invite you to take this journey with me. We'll make our way through the material as we discover the priceless treasure our Creator has placed inside each one of us!

Eight weeks of video teachings by Anna Nash can be used as a companion to this book