Glance Back 2018 - Gaze Forward 2019

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I want to welcome you into 2019!

With another 365 days behind you there is an opportunity to stop and process with God what He has done and anticipate the next 365 as you look towards experiencing Him in new ways. It's an opportunity to intentionally take control of your life instead of allowing your life to take control of you. With God's provision and direction, life in 2019, can be different.

You've heard it said, "If you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten." Will this next year really be any different? Can it be? Yes! You have a choice to make as to whether you will live with intentionality or just go along with the status quo.

Setting New Year's resolutions, new goals and objectives can be tiring and burdensome. And I'm often tempted to think, "Why am I doing this again? In 2 or 3 months I won't even remember what I've written down, much less have done it all!

With this in mind I've handcrafted a grace-driven, simple and doable project to launch you into 2019 with new hopes and plans for living life with intentionality. 

So take some time to print this out or use your own journal to process through it. It's a wonderful way to glance back at 2018 and then gaze into 2019. I created it with YOU in mind.

Cheers to all things new in 2019!

Director at Beacon People

Director at Beacon People


I'm Here for You


Beacon People TOP TEN 2018