How to Check Your Life Purpose Gauge


If you feel that any of the following statements could be true of how you feel, your life may be lacking purpose.

  1. My life lacks meaningful purpose.

  2. I’m bored. Every day seems the same.

  3. I often find myself feeling unfulfilled. I’m busy but feel empty.

  4. I don’t know what my passion is or how to find it.

  5. I need a change.

  6. I’m not living life out of my gifting.

  7. I’ve lost my way.

  8. Where I am doesn’t feel right.

  9. I’m in major life transition and its scary.

  10. I don’t think I’m making a difference.


“I want more!”

Did any of the statements resonate with you? Life, for me, presents the struggle of finding and staying on the path towards my God-given purpose.  Watching and observing others who seem to be struggling, like me, to find a fulfilling life is disturbing. There are thousands of books, websites, podcasts, bloggers and videos out there that are screaming at you. “Find your purpose!”  

I had a friend say to me just the other day, “Someone asked me what my passion was and I freaked out! I had no idea!”

Why does this question put us under so much pressure?

To embark on the journey of life change seems overwhelming, tiring and frightening. Sometimes it is easier to just stay stuck in the known than to step out in the unknown of following a new path. Yeah, I get it.  

Countless people at all stages of life just don’t know how to connect with their God-given purpose in daily, organic ways.  Many of us have never tapped into the veins of giftedness that our Creator planted deep within our DNA since day one. And then, when we are able to see our design clearly, there is so much fear, inadequacy, pride and shame that begins to wrap around us. The wrapping shuts us down. The struggle is real - creating a huge YES to the statements in the assessment above.

“I agree with you but what in the world do I do now?”

Begin by introducing and implementing these integral parts into your life:

Fight! Fight to believe the truth of what God says about you, more than you believe your opinions of yourself. (Psalm 139 for starters.)

Forget! Don’t believe the opinions of the world and the culture around you that scream, “You are not enough!” Reprogram (rewrite and revise) your thoughts by saturations of truth.

Formulate! Live out each day with intention. “What can I do today to make a difference in the life of someone else?”  A good one for starters!

Find Friends! Surround yourself with people who get it. Find a community of people that see you as God sees you and push you to live out your greatest potential.

I propose that when we move towards these components as a part of our regular routine, sparks begin to fly.

“Well, that doesn’t seem very practical, I want more!”

Some would suggest to take a personality test or a spiritual gifts test. Others might say a strengths and weakness test would help you find out what you are good at.  Then others encourage meeting with a vocational counselor to help you discover something new.  While all of these ideas are very helpful, I saw a need for a tool that would be a tad more organic in nature. Engaging the Creator in finding out what life purpose is all about made a lot of sense to me. I long to hear a call. We all do, because that’s how God made us.

So, why not consult with my Maker to find out why He made me?  It’s as simple as that. I would choose God’s personal and unique assessment of me over an online test any day. There is no cookie cutter with God. He adores me and has laid out an individual map for my life. Many have never rolled out the map to look and see and get on the path towards purpose. Would you dare to believe that YOU are the only one on this earth who can carry out a very special assignment written by God? That sounds pretty amazing to me.  

We are all created for MORE.  Oftentimes we lose our way as life happens. Believing that the greatest fulfillment in life comes from finding our God-given purpose, pathFinder was written. This is an interactive book that takes you on a 4 Section discovery towards living a more purposeful life.  It is a tool for personal use, small group content as well as for mentoring.  pathFinder walks you through a life mapping project, defines your strengths, weaknesses and passions, as well as assists you in formulating a life mission statement. As a result of collecting clues along the way of the pathFinder journey you will begin to see your life in a really amazing and different kind of way. It wraps up with goal setting based on your life mission statement that will encourage you to live a more intentional life. During the process, you will engage with God as your Creator through His Word and intentional prayer, asking Him to be your guide as you embark. pathFinder is a great opportunity to begin the greatest treasure hunt of your life…

your  journey towards purpose.  

You’ve always been amazingly unique.  It’s time to finally embrace who you are, and why you are that way. Be willing to try new things.

Change direction.




You will begin to live more fruitful and satisfying days of purpose and life will get very exciting!

The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ―Pablo Picasso.

To find out more about pathFinder go here.


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